
Chosen in Christ: Revisiting the Contours of Predestination is unavailable, but you can change that!

Cornel Venema revisits the important doctrine of predestination to re-familiarize the church with truths about God’s sovereignty in salvation. But he does not merely re-visit old ground but also engages a host of historic and contemporary challenges to the doctrine. He addresses the subject from exegetical, historical, contemporary, and pastoral vantage points.

praedestinatio, which is a composite of prae-, ‘before,’ and destinare, ‘to destine’ or ‘to ordain’.5 Within the framework of historic Christian theology, the doctrine of predestination concerns God’s eternal purpose or will for the salvation or the non-salvation of fallen sinners. Whereas the ‘general decree of God’ (decretum Dei generale) in its comprehensive meaning refers to all God wills respecting creation and providence, predestination is the ‘special decree of God’ (decretum Dei speciale)
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